Product Descriptions & Uses

4.9mm Deep & Medium

(Scroll to bottom of this page for pricing)
4.9mm cell size, often referred to as "small cell" or "natural cell" size

Closer resembles the cell sizing of wild bees found in nature

Thought to help aid in the reduction of varroa mites when used in conjunction with an IPM methodology of pest management and use of 6.6mm cells frames as "varroa magnets"

Able to get more bees on a single frame, thereby getting more bees in the same size hive as compared to larger cell sizes

These can be used in both brood and honey super chambers

5.4mm Deep & Medium

(Scroll to bottom of this page for pricing)
5.4mm cell size, often referred to as "standard", is the most common size in use today by both hobbyists and commercial beekeepers alike

Although a larger cell size than what's found in nature, it has been the industry standard for generation now in the U.S. for various reasons

Most nucs and equipment is sold with this cell size as standard unless specified otherise

These can be used in both brood and honey super chambers

6.6mm Deep & Medium

(Scroll to bottom of this page for pricing)
6.6mm cell size, often referred to as "drone frames", only produces drones due to the larger drone bee cell size

This is NOT for producing worker bees in the brood chamber

Use them to create extra drones in mating yards and as "varroa magnets" to draw varroa for IPM management methods

Make excellent honey super frames for increased honey holding capacity and easier extracting IF YOU KEEP THEM ABOVE A QUEEN EXCLUDER and don't let the queen lay brood in them   

Foundationless Medium/Comb Honey

(Scroll to bottom of this page for pricing)
Empty frame with no cell patterns present; bees can draw their own cell pattern and cell size. Use for cut comb or naturally drawn frames.

Starter wedges molded into all four sides to anchor new comb

Support bar, as well as starter wedges, come with heavy wax coating

Strong support bars to anchor comb during extracting as well as serving as cutting guides for 4" wide cut comb honey pieces

5.4mm Deep Mating Nuc/Half Frame

(Scroll to bottom of this page for pricing)
5.4mm cell size for the most common queen rearing setups

Use in four way deep mating boxes to hatch queens, bank queens, and produce queen cells naturally without grafting

Deep frame size provides plenty of room and time to let a new queen prove her laying pattern before moving to a new hive

Make great frames for half sized hives for kids to learn with, as well as in more portable teaching hives demonstrations

Pre-Orders are going on NOW!

Shipping at various points in February, depending on what items you have ordered.

If you don't want to wait for the online ordering option; you can email us now to pre-order at:

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